Hello again, Developer Community speakers!

The time is nearly upon us. Many of you have already submitted talks over the past several weeks, and we appreciate you for that. In case you have not done it yet—or you want to tweak or add more submissions—the time is now.

Our CFP closes at 10:00 pm CST on Friday, January 28!

As a reminder, KCDC 2022 will be an IN-PERSON community conference to be held on August 8–10, 2022. We have already obtained commitments for all of our Titanium esponsorships, tickets will open in a couple months, and excitement is high! We are again dedicated to hosting a safe event and look forward to welcoming the developer community back to Kansas City.

The CFP is open on Sessionize for a few more days. We hope you will check it out and submit topics to share your knowledge with a community that is excited to see you and eager to learn.


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