We had initially discussed maybe having a regular meeting to do an installfest for VS 2010, but we just won't be ready in time. I apologize for any inconvenience. Please feel free to still get together at a local bar or something. :)


Hello All !
Our next meeting will be held:
6:30 PM, Wed, Apr 28, 2010
Centriq Training Center
8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS
(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)
Sponsor: RiverPoint
Food and door prizes will be provided by : RiverPoint

In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !

This month's topic is:

Real World Insurance Company Incubator Project (speaker: Robert Whitman and Incubator Team)
Robert Whitman and his project team will be discussing their business website project for an insurance company. They will discuss the interaction with the client, the business requirements, how they derived their solution, the combination of web technologies, how they split out the responsibilities, and what each person did to solve the client's needs. Come attend to hear about real world needs, and real world solutions.
Our website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com


This is a reminder that the Kansas City SQL Server User Group will begin meeting again April 29, 2010. Since our last group function, we’ve had discussions with many of the members about our existing meeting structure, and have been presented with several possible solutions we’d like to experiment with:

Daytime meetings –
We’ve had several members request daytime meetings due to family or other evening obligations, while we realize that a 2:30 – 5:00pm schedule may not be feasible with some work schedules we would like to try this schedule and amend it if necessary to benefit as many as possible.

Quarterly Meetings –
One of the other changes you’ll notice from the site is that we’ve reduced the meeting frequency from monthly to quarterly. Prior user group presidents that I’ve spoken with have expressed the difficulty involved in finding bodies that are willing to present on a topic. My primary intention for having quarterly meetings is that I know of at least four people (myself included) that would be willing to present a featured topic at some time during the year, as soon as topics have been chosen, these will be updated on the website well in advance of the meeting. I also intend to make a signup sheet available on the user group website. This signup sheet will essentially be looking for people that are willing and able to present on a given topic and their availability. If we have enough interest, I would certainly like to take another look at resuming monthly or semi-monthly meetings.

Tips & Tricks presentation –
In the vein of finding more speakers we’re also going to try to make speaking to the group more accessible and hopefully a little less intimidating. The first 30 minutes of the meeting I’d like to fill with one or two speakers presenting on some tidbit of information they’ve recently come across in their day-to-day work. Ideally this topic would have produced sort of an ah-ha moment. I figure if you didn’t have a solution off the bat, there are probably a dozen other people in the room that your solution could benefit and would love to hear about it.

Meeting Location –
Yet another change is regarding the meeting location. The folks at Microsoft have graciously offered to host these daytime meetings at their Overland park location as posted on the website. We’ve met at the Microsoft office in the past for evening meetings, but due to building security, this has required someone to wait in the downstairs lobby and let people in as they got to the building, this is obviously less than ideal. Daytime meetings are not affected by their security protocol. Also, it seems to be much easier finding a sizable room at Microsoft for a daytime meeting than finding large classrooms at JCCC while the daytime students are still on campus.

We also intend to distribute surveys to group members in order to get feedback on these changes and to get ideas on how to improve the group going forward. We have a great group of people that are all interested in helping this group to grow and succeed. I want to thank everyone for your contributions to the user group and look forward to working with you all throughout the year.

Meeting Details: http://kansascity.sqlpass.org/


Meeting Date: 4/20/2010 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm
Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center

This month we will talk about updates. Most of us are aware of Windows Update but how about Microsoft Update. Also, how about other uodates for system hardware and non-Microsoft apps. Some applications have update capability built into the app but what about drivers and apps that you have to manually find the updates for. What if you need security uodates for an app that does not provide update functionally as a built-in resource. We will look at a free application which helps you to discover updates that are available for your system and even lets you know when security is involved and gives you one click feature to get and install the update.

As usual, there will be a question and answer session and other topics discussed you may find interesting so come and bring your expertise.
I have received some information there are questions on some of the freeware we have discussed in the past. Also some have found some interesting utilities that may be of interest to the rest of us so bring those also.

Hope to see you there.

Where: New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Metcalf South Shopping Center
96th & Metcalf, Overland Park, KS
(Please enter the door of Metcalf South on the lower level of the
shopping center on the West - You will find New Horizons inside the
center area.)
Room: 6 see a map at


Access SIG - Wed April 21st at 6:30 pm Regnier 2nd Floor

Presentation 1: Lisa Friedrichsen of Johnson County Community College
The two personalities of combo boxes.
Combo boxes are popular form controls. Users love them because they facilitate fast and accurate data entry.
However, combo boxes can be used to either enter data or find data. In this presentation we'll create combo boxes for both purposes, and uncover the properties that govern each.

Presentation 2: Bill Diamond of CFCA, Christian Foundation for Children & Aging
When printing labels in Access we have a couple of problems. The one we all face is what to do with the sheet of partially printed labels. Add it to the collection or go through a Sherlock Holmes analysis to figure just how many labels we need for the last sheet and search through our collection to find one meeting our needs or at least close. What if we could pull any sheet from this collection and use it as our first sheet. This limits our collection to only one sheet from now on. Next we have a problem from time to time of getting more information on the label than it appears it can hold. We will show a technique whereby we can squeeze space to add more lines to our label by tricking Access into doing what it is not supposed to do. The code and procedures necessary will be given out after the presentation.


TechNet Events Present: Launch 2010 Highlights

Join your local Microsoft IT Pro Evangelism team to find out first-hand what Microsoft® Office® 2010 and SharePoint® 2010 mean for the productivity of you and your people—across PC, phone, and browser. Learn how this latest wave of technologies provides revolutionary user experience and how it takes us into a future of greater productivity. Come and explore the tools that will help you optimize desktop deployment.
Click here to register:


MSDN Events Present: Launch 2010 Highlights

Join your local Microsoft Developer Evangelism team to find out first-hand about how the latest features in Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 can help boost your development creativity and performance. Learn how to improve the process of refactoring your existing code base and drive tighter collaboration with testers. Explore innovative web technologies and frameworks that can help you build dynamic web applications and scale them to the cloud. And, learn about the wide variety of rich application platforms that Visual Studio 2010 supports, including Windows 7, the Web, Windows Azure, SQL Server, and Windows Phone 7 Series.
Click for to register: https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032446891&culture=en-US


Visual Studio 2010 VIP Tour featuring Mark Mydland
High Speed, Low Drag: Driving Application Quality with Minimal Friction
Mark Mydland, Principal Group Manager for Visual Studio Team Edition for Software Testers

Software teams are continually under pressure to do more in less time, to build higher quality and ever more complex applications on ever increasing ship cadences. In this session we will use Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2010 Application Lifecycle tools to demonstrate how to deliver bugs that get fixed first time, every time; how to prevent regression with Coded UI Tests and Automation for Navigation; how to streamline build and application deployment using Lab Management and virtual environments; and how to identify the source and impact of changes even when developers “forget” to mention them. Finally, we will spend some time talking about Microsoft’s own efforts to ensure the quality of our release and what we have learned through these efforts.

April 13 Kansas City .NET User Group
Where: ????
When: April 13th - 5:30-8:00



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