We conduct basic digital literacy classes twice a week at our facility at 31st and Troost. Digital mentors assist new Internet users through guided hands-on learning experiences during the two-hour sessions.
Most of those who participate are senior citizens and low income individuals. This is a chance to make a real impact on someone's life.
Some of the topics we cover are:
Computer Basics
Keyboarding and Mouse skills
Searching for and applying for jobs online
Intro to Social Media
Intro to Google Drive and Docs
Trainers lead a class, assess the learners skills and ensure the learners complete at least 2 (two) class sessions.
Mentors assist a trainer, by helping any learners that need assistance with current lesson, each mentor will help 5 learners. They assist them with using the mouse, where to type the URL, how to save a file, graphic or bookmark a webpage.