Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 6:00:00 PM Moonshot Innovations LLC

It's a new year and we are back!

Unit Testing with AutoFixture and NSubstitute
Do you find it tedious to hand-code data into all your test inputs for your unit tests? Do you have weird scenarios where completely random data won't work, but having random values from a valid set would be amazing? Do you like it things just happen for you? Do you wish there was a way to write unit tests where it was truly testing the process and didn't rely (or look for) magic values? If you answered yes to any of these questions then join me as we look at how to use AutoFixture and NSubstitute to reduce coding and test fragility.

Duane Newman (https://twitter.com/duanenewman)
Duane is Co-Founder of Alien Arc Technologies, LLC where he focuses on creating apps targeting mobile devices, modern desktops, and the Internet of Things. As a Microsoft MVP and technology enthusiast with a passion for good software he strives to bring solutions that improve or eliminate costly duplication and repetitive processes so more important things can be done. He enjoys teaching others and speaking at conferences on topics ranging from DevOps to Xamarin. When not behind a computer screen he can be found sharing his love of SCUBA and all things underwater through his dive shop, Dive Rinse Repeat Scuba (https://drrscuba.com).

On the first floor. Hang a left after the elevators and the meeting room is the first room on your left. Click here for event

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