Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

About the talk:
How do you make your code more testable? One way is to make your classes smaller, so they're more directly testable. An easy way to do this is to look for the Primitive Obsession code smell and create new classes that better represent your domain than plain old integers and Strings. Then the magic happens: you'll see that behavior spread throughout the codebase is another code smell: Feature Envy. The new class becomes an attractor of that behavior, providing a better abstraction and an easier way to test it.

About the Speaker:
Ted M. Young (known as JitterTed on social media) is a Java trainer, coding coach, speaker, and author. He's been in software development for over 30 years, doing eXtreme Programming since 2000. Ted has worked for eBay, Google, Apple, and Guidewire Software. He is now an independent educator, helping those new to the industry and experienced folks increase their joy in coding by making code more testable. Ted's favorite techniques are test-driven development, refactoring, domain-driven design, and Hexagonal Architecture. Click here for event

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