Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 5:00:00 PM Online event

Find out about other upcoming online meetups and recordings from past Kafka Meetups all over the world: cnfl.io/meetup-hub


*Time below in Central US time - to find out when the event is in your timezone follow this link: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/event?lid=6%2C100&h=6&sts=26648940&sln=17-18&a=show

5:00pm-5:10pm: Online Networking
5:10pm-6:00pm: Dennis Wittekind, Confluent (Includes Q&A)

6:00pm: If you have more questions, ask in our Slack Space* (https://launchpass.com/confluentcommunity) and go to #events to ask any follow up questions!

Joining our slack space is not instant, so ensure that you follow the steps within this link before the day of the event if you can! https://launchpass.com/confluentcommunity


Speaker: Dennis Wittekind

Bio: Dennis Wittekind is a Customer Success Engineer at Confluent. He previously was a Cloud Core Engineer at General Motors, automating middleware platforms like IBM MQ, Weblogic, Tomcat, and Apache web server using Chef. Dennis is also a fairly recent graduate of Texas A&M University and holds both a BBA and MS in Management of Information Systems (gig 'em!). In his spare time, Dennis enjoys overland camping, motorcycling, and tinkering on cars in his garage.

Talk: Kafka Connect - Diving into the Deep End

Abstract: Perhaps you have heard of Kafka Connect and think it would be a great fit in your application's architecture, but you like to know how things work before you propose them to your team? Perhaps you know enough Connect to be dangerous, but you haven't had the time to really understand all the moving pieces? This meetup talk is for you! We'll briefly introduce Connect to the uninitiated, and then jump in to underlying concepts and considerations you should make when running Connect in production! We'll even run a live demo! What could go wrong!?


Online Meetup Etiquette:
•Please unmute yourself when you have a question.
•Please hold your questions until the end of the presentation or use the zoomchat!
•Please arrive on time as zoom meetings can become locked for many reasons (though if you get locked out a recording will be available, but you may have to wait a little while for it!)


If you would like to speak or host our next event please let us know! [email protected]

https://confluent.zoom.us/j/95012140948?pwd=VjNxd01VKzU5eVlDWEdQRzY5b0lzUT09 Click here for event

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