Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 4:00:00 PM Online event

Episode #10 "The Future of the Automotive Industry"
Join us as our leadership panel dives into the market vision, trends and technologies that are driving the automotive industry. Together we will uncover answers to the following important questions:

-How is the competitive landscape changing in the automotive industry?
-How customer intelligence and the ability to influence the buying journey is the key to growing acquisition, retention, and brand loyalty.
-What are the most important technical and data challenges facing the automotive industry?
-Understand the evolving disruptive trends driving the automotive market in 2021

In addition, our panelists will address questions submitted by our attendees during the session.

Our Panelists:
-Khalid Saleem | Chief Digital Officer at TBC Corporation
-Chad Bender | Manager, AfterSales Strategy and Projects at Porsche
-James Ganther | President & CEO at Mosaic Compliance Services
-Brian Irvin | General Manager and Owner at PC Auto Mall

Your Host:
-Dhwani Rao | Solutions Consultant at Pandera

-Panelists introduction
-Panelists discussion
-Open Q & A with attendees

About Community Connect:
Community Connect is not just about discussing what is impacting us today — it's about where we go from here and how we position ourselves for success in the future. It's about simply making progress together as individuals, as organizations, and as a community.

Check out clips from our previous episodes --->

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