Greetings former and/or future Nebraska.Code() speaker,
I’m happy to announce that the Nebraska.Code() 2016 Call for Speakers is now open. The dates for this year’s event are May 18-20 – that’s a Wednesday pre-compiler/workshop day followed by breakout sessions on Thursday and Friday.
More information, including submission guidelines and information about what expenses we cover, etc., visit our Call for Speakers page:
Please help us spread the word.  We have a pretty large speaker list, but it’s far from complete.  We’re continuing to expand our focus, which means we’re looking for speakers who specialize in technical areas we haven’t really pursued aggressively in the past.  Specifically, we’re adding dedicated Project Management, Data and UI / UX tracks to the schedule. If you can help us get the word out to speakers in these areas, we’d appreciate it!
As always, we want to express our sincerest thanks to our speakers, who provide the real value at any conference.  We’ve always been about delivering the most high quality content possible, and our community has not let us down yet.  We look forward to seeing what awesome talks you have in store for us this year!
Adam Barney and Ken Versaw,

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