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Meeting Date and Time
            Thursday January 28, 2016 at 6:30 PM

            Centriq Training 8700 State Line Rd. Suite 200 Leawood KC 66206

Meeting Topic:
            Working with Edges, negotiating changes from a new perspective.

Meeting Learning

Change in inevitable and ironically, the fact that changes will occur in every aspect of our life (personal, professional and societal) is one of the few constants we can be sure of.  The potential of change and the act of changing often brings forth a myriad of emotions for us; fear, angst, excitement, sadness, happiness, hope, etc.  In this session we’ll look at a change that is before you and see what you can learn about the change and yourself.  We’ll also consider what impact this understanding might have on the changes we are experiencing with our family, friends and colleagues.


Meeting Description

We use the word ‘edge’ a lot in our conversations to describe an emotional place as if it were a physical place.  Saying things like “I’m at the edge of a major breakthrough.” Or, “The new boss’ rules are so different, everyone is going off the deep end.” 

In this session Martin Olson and Kay Harper will leverage the Systems Inspired Leadership body of knowledge and lead the group through the exploration of our edges.  We’ll dig into the vocabulary we use, the behaviors we exhibit and emotions we experience when we’re facing changes and see if we can use this knowledge to help us better negotiate the changes we all face. 


Bring a co-worker, friend, associate or +1 to this event.  As stated, everyone is facing a change.  The session will be interactive and lively and if you’re not careful you may realize that it really is about ‘Individuals and Interactions’.

Speakers Bio ’s

Martin Olson is a Principal with Silicon Prairie Solutions, a local Agile|Lean training, consulting and coaching partner.  He helps organizations of all sizes, from start-ups to Forutune 50, at the team, program and portfolio levels understand and leverage Agile|Lean practices so that they can provide value in a more efficient and predictable manner.  Martin’s focus is helping organizational leadership understand what Agile|Lean thinking is and how they can evolve their organization’s culture and practices to better adapt to a changing marketplace.


Kay Harper has an extensive background in project and product management, business analysis, consulting, mentoring and coaching. She has 20 years’ experience working with mergers/acquisitions, large-scale software implementations, system conversions, organizational change management and company startups. When she started utilizing Agile principles and practices in 2008, she quickly determined that Agile and Lean principles, when wholly implemented, give organizations a competitive advantage in the new, Information Age. As a change agent, she is excited to bring the principles and practices of Lean and Agile to assist organizations in their transformations. Kay’s focus is working with management and delivery teams to enhance collaboration, transparency and delivery. She values opportunities to teach and coach others to success.

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