Part I: Walk-through Windows Azure

Lately Microsoft has been adding a new set of features to Windows Azure nearly every month, giving developers more tools to use in the cloud. At the same time, they continue to enhance the existing features that have been available since the beginning. This adds a new complexity to the development process as the tools are changing and it is not based on installing a new version of the .NET framework or Visual Studio. AJi Software will present an update-to-date session covering what is available in Windows Azure and how you can use it to make better cloud applications.

Part II: Walk-through ASP.NET Content Management Systems

Long over are the days where it made sense to open Visual Studio, clicked new Web Project, and started building your corporate website. Online presence is all about content and marketing departments now need tools that allow for a steady stream of content to be produced. In this session we will walk-through some of the top Content Management Systems (CMS) written with on the ASP.NET platform and discuss the features designed for developers and marketing teams to help bridge the gap between departments.

Event Details

    • Date: April 24, 2014
    • Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
    • Speakers: Jeff Julian, John Alexander
    • Address: Microsoft - Corporate Woods, 10801 Mastin Street, #620, Overland Park, KS 66210

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