HUG Access SIG Meeting 6:30 pm, April 16, 2013, at JCCC, Regnier Center - 3rd Floor, RC 355


Title: Access 2013

Description: Come and learn about the Access 2013 environment; Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon, tabbed environment, status bar, navigation pane and create an executable file.

Jim Watkins is a senior developer for Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc. Jim has been developing solutions for clients since Access was introduced in 1992. HCCS is a 22 year old Computer Consulting firm located in Overland Park, Kansas specializing in providing custom solutions to real world challenges for their clients.

Q&A Session:

Ask questions about your Access development issues, share your knowledge and get feedback from experienced database developers. Learn tips & tricks from some of KC’s most experienced professionals.


Two $10 Gift Certificates from Amazon.
Give-away drawing for HUG members only.

The Access User Group Needs You:

We need:

Speakers. If you are willing to share a database that you have created…or give a How to Use presentation about a feature of Access you have used or present a chapter from one of our resource books, your fellow Access database creators would appreciate it!

Treasurer Position: We are looking to fill a position on the Heartland User Group Board of Directors. The Treasurer position needs a willing volunteer. Earl Long has been our Treasurer for many years and wants to retire. Earl has a simple accounting system setup in QuickBooks… approximately 25 transactions a year, this is not a time consuming job. The Treasurer would also be responsible for filing our Tax Returns. Earl is willing to train the next Treasurer. The Treasurer would also be asked to attend a couple of board meetings per year.

Arlene Watkins | President/CEO
Heritage Computer Consulting & Services, Inc.      

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