Monday, June 14, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM Online event

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About This Workshop
LinkedIn is an unbelievably powerful tool for individuals and businesses to grow and communicate a brand, connect with inspiring people, develop a cultivated professional network, generate revenue, drive website traffic and much more.

In this panel event, we'll be joined by some amazing thought leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators who know how to leverage the power of LinkedIn, and have established themselves as LinkedIn experts. You'll walk away feeling with tips, tricks and strategies to make your own profile standout, and to bring success to your brand or business!

Hear tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and make it stand out
Learn strategies to help you grow your professional network, and understand how this can help your career development
Find out how you can use LinkedIn to grow your brand, whether personal or business
Briefly explore how LinkedIn can help drive traffic to your website and generate leads and revenue
This is a session for beginners; no prior knowledge is required.

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