What we're about

This group will be geared towards developers, architects and all Cloud Foundry, Docker Container, Event-Driven, Cognitive, and DevOps enthusiasts. It will be an interactive group to allow for knowledge sharing with and by experts and this community.

Though this group will be focused on technical cloud topics, there might be some presentations on other closely related topics.

For instance:

- Cognitive Solutions

- Artificial Intelligence

- Data Science

- Machine Learning

- Internet of Things (IoT)

- Data Visualization

- Java development

- Open Source Technologies: Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, Python, R and others

- Data-centric Application Development

- Open Source Hadoop, SQL on Hadoop, R on Hadoop, Integration, Governance, ...

- Real Time Analytics & Stream Computing

- Text Analytics

- Relational and NOSQL Databases

- Predictive/Prescriptive Analytics

Upcoming events (2)

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