Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 11:00:00 AM Virtual Meetup

Please register at the below link to reserve your spot today (must be registered to attend)

What is Dr. Data Science?

Dr. Data Science is an interactive virtual presentation aimed at helping new and advanced practitioners of data science and machine learning. The program is hosted by experts from our Data Science and Customer Success teams, including veterans from the world of advanced analytics and architects of the TIBCOⓇ Data Science platform.

We are launching a new Dr. Data Science series that explores a real-world data science project end to end. We'll take a comprehensive and detailed look at the work of the data scientist by examining each stage of a complex project, from inception through to deployment. We'll not only cover the classical phases of data science — including exploration, data preparation, feature generation, modeling, testing, and model ops — but also look at what happens when the right data isn't available, avenues of exploration don't yield results, models aren't accurate enough, and requirements change.

The first session in January, "No End in Sight," sets the scene. It will describe the history of an ongoing multi-year project at TIBCO, including initial goals, current status, and the project's ever-changing priorities and activities. In subsequent sessions, we'll dig into each of these activities, starting with a joint session with Dr. Spotfire. This joint session in February, will show how an exploratory data analysis back in the summer of 2019 generated a host of questions and competing priorities that continue to drive the project today.

Neelima Potti, Lead Customer Success Manager, TIBCO Software
Steven Hillion, Senior Director, Data Science, TIBCO Software

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