Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 9:00:00 AM

There are very few events left where you can build your network and learn new perspectives without some underlying (or obvious) vendor agenda. In April, just as the reality of COVID-19 was hitting us, BigPanda hosted the IT Ops from Home virtual summit. IT professionals came together to talk about their challenges and learn from each other. It was so successful, we are doing it again.

This time, the theme for our virtual summit is IT Ops Ready. As we head into the last quarter of the year, with uncertainty around every corner, organizations must be ready for anything.

The conference is taking place on Wednesday, September 30th and Thursday, October 1st, 2020. Speakers from GNOC, IT Operations, DevOps and SRE teams will explain how they continue to shift their working models to survive - and even thrive - in the face of change, disruption, challenges - good and bad. You will hear what other companies are doing to reinvent themselves in the world where "digital-first" is no longer just a roadmap initiative.

We also have two amazing keynote speakers ready to inspire, challenge and motivate us: Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs and Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL

I promise you will take a ton of new connections, perspectives and practical ideas away from this conference. JOIN US!

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