Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 6:30:00 PM Artisan Technology Group 9201 Ward Pkwy #200, Kansas City, MO

We have 2 presentations tonight: RxJS in the Wild and Building applications with Firebase.

RxJS in the Wild

RxJS is a powerful library with more tools than any mortal can remember. Because of the breadth of tools, it's challenging to know what is best to use and when. There are plenty of tutorials and docs explaining the various aspects, but I've always found myself needing more information, and most importantly, more concrete, real-world examples.
In this presentation, we'll discuss the paradigm of reactive programming, review real-world and non-trivial examples, and practice solving problems with responsive solutions.

Speaker Bio: Steven Barnhurst is the lead frontend engineer at Ringmaster Technologies. He began web development in the early days of Angular and has worked with the framework ever since. He's an avid bike rider, world traveler, and beer snob.


Building applications with Firebase

When Firebase first started it was focused on providing a real-time document database as a service. However when you lookup Firebase now, you'll see products for Authentication, Serverless Functions, and… Machine Learning? Clearly there is a lot more that you can leverage when using Firebase today. In this talk we'll look at how we can leverage Firebase to quickly build, deploy, and monitor an Angular application.

Speaker Bio: Devin is a full-stack engineer with a passion for learning new approaches to problems. In working at Artisan he has been involved in wide variety of projects that used various technologies and frameworks.

~6:20PM Socialize and dinner
6:40PM Presentations start

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