Grand Street Cafe
4740 Grand Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64112

SMCKC November Breakfast: Influencer Marketing for Small Business - Yes, You Can Do It Too

November 2 | 7:30 a.m.
Most small businesses don’t think they’re ready for influencer marketing, but it is one of the most valuable ways to grow their following and tap into new audiences for little investment.
At this presentation, 3 you will learn:
1. Don’t neglect using the influencers with smaller followings - they will usually bring the most engagement to your brand for less money.
2. Influencers want to feel valued by your brand.
3. Find a core group of influencers that fit your target market, but then work with a couple who will bring you an entirely new audience.
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SMCKC • 1815 Walnut St. Kansas City, MO 64108


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