Tuesday, October 28, 2014

6:00 PM

8700 State Line Road, Leawood, KS (map)

  • The best websites on the interwebs do the same thing - provide great information and draw users back for more. While content is important, it is paramount that a site be simple and very usable. We will look at several modern webpage features that can make sites easy, appealing, and intuitive to use including parallax, collapsing banners, collapsed content, and notification messages. We will discuss the UX behind these features and some ways they can be misused, and we will build examples of the front-end display portion.
    Presented By: Al Wilkinson
    Al has been programming professionally for more than a decade. While primarily focusing on web apps, he has also worked on a variety of other software from mobile apps to databases to device drivers for companies from tech giants to startups. Al is currently focusing on web and mobile spaces where he likes to work and play in C# .Net MVC, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, all while intentionally thinking about the user experience of it all. Not only does Al enjoy learning, he has a passion for helping and teaching others.
    Sponsored By: AdvantageTech
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