  • Helzberg School of Management

    Rockhurst Road, Kansas City, MO (map)
    39.032722 -94.570190

  • Massman Hall Room 250
  • Enabling Advanced Analytics: A Guided Tour of the Hadoop Ecosystem. Bob Wakefield will be walking through the individual Apache Hadoop projects and how to piece them together to create a modern data architecture that opens up new opportunities for analyst. This presentation is an outgrowth of his NoSQL presentation from a few months ago.
    Bob is an IT mercenary with over two decades in industry doing everything from crawling in dark dirty parts of buildings running CAT 5 to helping craft data strategy.

    Matt Habiger will talk about a collection of ideas on how to get predictive models from sandbox to production. Many PA projects fail (or are inefficient) because model builders are unable to actually implement what they've built. Matt will discuss several examples of implementation including how DonorBureau, his employer, has prepared itself to scale for future business growth.
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