Are you curious to know how many people attend various user group meetings each month?

Here are some numbers from a lot of the groups from May 1st, 2014 through June 10th.  Most of these counts come from

 R - 13
 WordPress - 10
 Lawrence Coders - 10
 Video Game Developers - 7
 KCDesignCore - 32
 Big Data - 85

 Python - 10
 Ruby - 30
 Java - 24
 WordPress - 21
 DataScience - 43

 R - 16
 PHP - 5
 Google Developers - 8
 Lawrence Coders - 11
 Node - 22
 Video Game Developers - 8
 Limited WIP/Lean - 15
 Agile - 30
 Python - 16
 .Net - 35
 Lambda Lounge - 44
 Mobile App Developers - 39
 UXCore - 22

 iOS - 6

 WordPress - 3
 KCDesignCore - 30
 Lawrence Coders - 4
 Video Game Developers - 4
 PHP - 15
 Internet of Things - 11
 Code for America - 11
 Big Data - 202!!!!
 Ruby - 24
 Java - 35

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