Kansas City, MO ~ July 12, 2014

The Crafting Code Tour is stopping by Kansas City on July 12, 2014. Join us!

Talks for Kansas City

We’re pleased to announce two great talks, by Paul Jones and Brandon Savage, for Kansas City!

It Was Like That When I Got Here: Steps Toward Modernizing a Legacy Codebase ~ Paul Jones

The codebase at work is absolutely terrible. It’s a mess of spaghetti that has been around for years and is and completely untestable. Any time you fix a bug over here, a new bug appears over there. In this talk, Paul explains how the code got to be so bad, and gives practical steps on how you can start paying off the technical debt you inherited with your legacy application, all while keeping the system running the whole time.

Your code sucks! Five tools for evaluating the quality of your code ~ Brandon Savage

You know you want to write great code, but how do you know what great code looks like? Using these tools, you’ll be able to figure out exactly what areas of your application are great, and which could use the most improvement. Plus, learn how to apply these tools on a daily basis in your development, automatically!


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