Saturday, July 21, 2012

2:30 PM

Selected By: Daniel Holmes

12815 W 87th St, Lenexa, KS (map)
38.970943 -94.734400

Conference room in the back
Most people who actively work with PHP every day rarely confine themselves to just PHP.
PHP Developers have access to a nearly dizzying array of tools, packages, language features, QA tools and countless frameworks and styles to develop with. In this Tour of the PHP Ecosystem, long time PHP enthusiast Dan Holmes will attempt to highlight many of the projects and developments that have come of age in recent years.
Whether you have long settled on one particular style or framework for development, or just looking at PHP for the first time, we are sure you will spot something fresh you hadn't seen before.
    • Have you wanted to give a talk before, but just didn't know what topic to pick?
    • Are you from another meetup and think PHP development is limited to adding snippets of code to an HTML file?
    • Do you want to just hang out and shout "Why didn't you add my favorite thing?" at the speaker?
You should not miss this meeting.

Our Standard Meeting Format
We love Web Development, PHP, new development techniques and everything in between. Often our meetings are a little free-formed, but for the most part fall into

  • Meet and Greet new members!
  • John Kary presents his "Last Month in PHP" - Some highlights of new happenings in the PHP Universe
  • Members bring forward issues, concerns or other things of interest

All Developers Welcome!
We understand that many PHP Developers don't just code in PHP. Whether you are working in a framework like Symfony, Zend Framework, Slim, FuelPHP or a CMS like WordPress, Drupal or Joomla our goal is that you will find something new, relevant and useful.

We are also happy to have presentations or even code reviews if appropriate. If you are interested in giving either, just let us know!

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