KC UX 'Talk Shop'
July 12, 2012 at 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM
The Well, 7421 Broadway St, Kansas City
Meet and network with other UX professionals or come see what UX is all about.
- Ad Agency UX
- Corporate UX
- Small Biz UX
- Freelance UX
- UX Jobs/Projects
- No topic/networking tables
TekSystems - will be providing appetizers.
Table Topics - If you would like to sponsor a table topic (just be there to get a topic rolling). Contact us to give yourself, work and company some notoriety (possible topic list will be provided), before we reach out to others. See Cara Miller of BoxSpring Design or Per Jorgensen for more details.
Labels: graphic design, information architecture, information technology, usability, user experience
Event Organizer: Susana B (Bruhn) (UI, UX, Web, Mobile & Software Consultant)

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