Thursday, August 9, 2012

5:00 PM to

1810 Cherry St. Suite 150, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091053 -94.576996

Come to the intersection of 18th and Cherry and look out for the big silver 1810 sign around the corner on Cherry St.
Selected By: Ashok

Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay on getting info about our next meetup out. It's Summertime, we're all dealing with the heat, trying to stay hydrated, and already starting to anticipate the fall. We've been working hard at coordinating some exciting new upcoming meetups and our next one is no exception. So here are finally the details on it!
Join us for a night of showing some current mobility projects our members have been working on as well as a short discussion and presentation on jQuery Mobile: We'll discuss how and when to use jQuery Mobile as well as certain use cases in active projects right now from our members.
If you have a project you want to show and talk with the group about(jQuery mobile or not), please contact us before July 15th as we want to finalize who all will be presenting by then. Everyone else who has already expressed interest I'll be sending out an e-mail to you to shortly to help coordinate your presentation and work through anything you may need from us to present.
Also, we're going to be having this event at a new location down by the Crossroads district. It's in a new collaborative space called Ingenology with innovative technology companies working together to share resources on their diverse range of projects they are involved in. If you have never been down to this Crossroads part of Kansas City, it is a very up and coming entrepreneurial hot spot and many exciting ventures are being started and developed in a short radius from each other. It's worth checking out just to surround yourself in the sea of inspiration down there.
We're also going to be having a short "after party" afterwards for anyone that wants to grab a bite to eat or something to drink next door at the Grinders West Pizzeria and Bar and continue any discussions that were brought up:
Hope to see you all there! Mark your calendars now!
1810 Cherry St. Suite 150
Kansas City, MO 64108

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