The world-famous CityCamp model is finally arriving in Kansas City!

What is CityCamp?

CityCamp is an international “unconference” series focused on innovation for municipal governments & community organizations. CityCampKC is the Kansas City metro-area edition of this immensely successful series. Like all CityCamps before it, our event for 2012 will focus on four primary objectives:
  1. Gather local government officials, municipal employees, experts, programmers, designers, citizens and journalists to share perspectives and insights about the cities in which they live
  2. Develop patterns for using the Web to facilitate local government transparency and effective local governance
  3. Foster communities of practice and advocacy on the role of the Web, mobile communication, online information, and open data in cities
  4. Create outcomes that participants will act upon after the event is over
Specifically, we want attendees to walk away from CityCampKC 2012 closer to answering the following questions:
  • How can technology enable us to work together across jurisdictions?
  • How can we empower citizens to take greater part in our government?
  • How can open source software and open data save taxpayer money?
  • How can we increase online service delivery despite shrinking budgets?

Who is this for?

While the name says “KC” and the event is being held in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, it is for anyone living in the KC metro area interested in the intersection of local government, civic life, and technology. It doesn’t matter whether you’re from KCK, KCMO, Leawood, Liberty, or Maryville, MO (or Marysville, KS!) This event is for you. All ages and professions are welcome, and the greater the diversity, the better the event. There are a few “usual suspects” who frequent CityCamps:
  • Elected Officials
  • Civic Leaders
  • Coders
  • Technology Enthusiasts
  • Civic Hackers (someone who codes or designs for civic-minded outcomes)
  • Geeks
  • Urbanists
  • Professors & Students working in any of these disciplines

What is the format?

Please refer to the presenter page for details of what you can expect.

How can I participate?

There are many ways to get involved with CityCampKC. Please check out the Get Involved page for more information, and thank you for your interest.

When and where will it be held?

CityCampKC 2012 takes place Saturday, April 28th from 9:00am until 5:30pm (with happy hour socializing afterwards!). The event will be held at OfficePort, Kansas City’s original co-working environment.

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