Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 11:00:00 AM Online event

Please register at the below link to reserve your spot today (must be registered to attend)

Do you want to increase your on-premise JasperReports Server availability to better serve your mission-critical operations? This month we will go through the different steps to achieve high availability, increase performance, and have more resource flexibility to serve your customers most efficiently.

What is Dr. Jaspersoft Office Hours?
Hosted by TIBCO integration and customer success experts, Dr. Jaspersoft Office Hours is a program from TIBCO aimed at helping new and advanced users. The feature sessions are monthly 30-minute live webinars to help users with extended topics, and unique analytics challenges.

Mike Bielkiewicz, Customer Success Architect, TIBCO Software Inc.
Badr Draifi, Customer Success Architect, TIBCO Software Inc.

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