Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

Imagine a patient who has a rash on his forearm. You advise him to apply an anti-inflammatory cream and he does so, for two weeks. The rash fades away a bit and then comes back. You suggest another smoothening balm but again, it takes care of the problem only temporarily.
What is wrong?
It seems that you have been trying to fix a superficial problem: something that you can see, touch, feel. But you are not addressing a real root cause of the problem, and it this case, it could be that a patient has allergies to oranges and the best way to treat the problem would be to change a diet and stop intaking oranges SYSTEMICALLY.
In the latter case, instead of trying to fix peripheral manifestations of the problem, you went after its root causes.

In this simple example, a 'degree of orange intake' is the upstream system variable and 'severity of a rash' - the downstream system variable. The two variables interact: increasing levels of the former will cause increasing levels of the ladder. And the opposite.
Of course, in real life, solutions to deep systemic problems would not be as simple....
Organizational structure, just like a human body, is a very complex ecosystem, in which many additional system variables interact with each other, in very non-linear ways.

In this session, Gene Gendel will introduce a very simple but effective, coaching tool: system modelling. It helps developing system thinking and ability to see *the whole* by coaches and scrum masters, as well as teams and whole organizations.
There is only one problem that this tool may cause: once you see things... you may no longer "unsee" them. Your new ability to see can make you feel frustrated or even aggravated. But it can also make you feel very empowered with this new capability to 'see the system'. So, now it becomes the question for you: do you feel this is worth it?

If you do, and if you would like to make this session even more engaging, please submit to the organizer of this meetup your questions/topics that we will use as system variables, when 'designing' a system. We shall be using Zoom and Miro during this session.

Gene Gendel is an organizational design specialist, agile/lean coach and trainer, consultant and adviser to senior leadership. Almost 15 of 20+ years of his professional experience – Gene dedicated to working with companies of various sizes and lines of business, trying to help them improve internal dynamics, organizational structure and becoming a better place to work. Gene engages at all organizational levels: senior- and mid-level management, teams and individuals. In his work, Gene uses various methods, tools and techniques to amplify learning by others and to ensure that people gain autonomy after Gene "coaches himself out of the job".

Gene is Certified Agile Coach (CAC), by Scrum Alliance – small elite community of Scrum Alliance Certified Enterprise Coaches (CEC). Today, he is the only CEC who resides in NY State. Gene is also one of the co-creators of Team Level Coaching Certifications (CTC) program for Scrum Alliance.

Gene is also one of very few (21) Certified LeSS Trainers (CLT) globally and one of very few that are based in the United States.
More about Gene is on his site:

Gene is a popular blogger and publisher. Click here for event

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