Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 6:00:00 PM Online event

Level up on Functional Programming by rebuilding LINQ

When taking your first steps into functional programming, you'll quickly run into blog posts talking about how to simplify complex loops by using the trinity of list operations: map, filter, and reduce. But what are these methods actually doing under the hood to help simplify your code?

If you're familiar with the .NET landscape, then you already have experience with an implementation of the trinity within LINQ (Language Integrated Query). However, what if I told you that by learning how LINQ implements map (Select), filter (Where), and reduce (Aggregate), you actually know how other languages implement the same constructs?

Intended for C# developers who have some experience with LINQ and an interest in learning functional programming, by the end of this session, you will have learned how to work with the Func type, generics, and extension methods!

Cameron Presley (https://twitter.com/pcameronpresley)

Cameron Presley is a Lead Software Engineer for SentryOne (https://www.sentryone.com), a speaker, a Microsoft MVP, Director of Speaker Relations for CodeStock (@CodeStock) and co-organizer of FunctionalKnox (@FunctionalKnox).

Based out of Charlotte, North Carolina, Cameron has ten years of experience working with start-ups and large enterprise both publicly and privately held to architect solutions, implement solutions, and training developers to be better today than what they were yesterday!

In his spare time, Cameron can be found hanging out with his family, playing board games, jamming on the bass guitar, and reading books.

Paige Technologies (https://twitter.com/PaigeKC)
Andrew Alldredge (https://Twitter.com/AlldredgeAndrew)

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