Monday, September 9, 2019 at 6:00:00 PM , ,


The International Game Developers Association, Kansas City Chapter, will be meeting the second Monday in September, on the 9th, 6-8pm at Centriq Training, 1740 W 92 St, Kansas City, MO 64114.

Who attends our meetings? Professional, freelancers, and future game developers attend to learn more and network. A wide variety of tools are used, and the focus spans from art, game design, platform use and game industry news. Future meeting topics include employment and training opportunities.

The meeting will begin and end on time.

September Meeting

Topic 1: "What should be in your resume/portfolio?" Developers and Artists seeking jobs in game development will receive insight from studio heads and game development professionals.

1) What is a "professional" resume or portfolio in today's job market?
2) What elements, skills and experience are being sought?
3) How do you get to the person who makes the hiring decisions?
4) What to expect during the hiring process?
... open up to discussion

Topic 2: The Basics of Agile - Part 1, What is Agile and why you need to know
1) Who uses Agile, and why?
2) Agile in day to day life for a software developer
3) Terms you need to know when talking to software development professionals.

Click here for event

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