Quick reminder about our June meeting, taking place in a new location!

After a few month Hiatus, the Kansas City SQL Server User's Group is headed back to our regular monthly meeting schedule.
We are also excited to announce that iModules has graciously offered their new, state of the art meeting space for us to use.
We hope to see you there!

The meeting will take place on Thursday, June 27th, from 2PM to 4PM
The iModules office is located at:
8330 Ward Parkway Kansas City, Missouri, United States (map)

Optional Registration Link : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kansas-city-sql-server-user-group-june-meeting-tickets-64254018499

Featured Presentation:
Migrating SQL Server 2008 Workloads

Dave Walden, Resident Architect - Cloud & Data Solutions SHI International

With SQL Server 2008 going EOL next month, we'll cover tools and strategies to migrate workloads off of SQL Server 2008 to either Cloud or more modern versions of SQL Server.

During this session, We'll discuss:

  • Assess + Plan + Migrate + Optimize migration strategy
  • Identifying SQL Server 2008 Instances
  • Available tools
  • Assessing instances for migration blockers and feature incompatibilities
  • Choosing the right path for migration Migrating databases to Azure or AWS
  • Formulating testing plans
This will be mostly a live demo session with very little powerpoint.

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