Thanks everyone for coming out last month!!! Sorry for the short notice, but when the speakers are lining up I'll gladly take it! I hope that you all can make it out to the meeting. It is a Friday, and who doesn't want to get out a bit early!  
Please join us Friday, September 21st, 2018 from 2:30PM – 5:00 PM at the Microsoft Office in Corporate Woods.
Topic: Azure SQL Database for the Production DBA

Have you been wondering what Azure SQL Database is and what it means for you as a production DBA? Azure SQL Database has become an Enterprise-worthy database platform that provides relational database-as-a-service. In this session you’ll get a grounding in the fundamentals of Azure SQL Database from a DBA perspective. First we’ll cover how to create an Azure SQL Database using the Azure Portal and an approach for sizing a new Azure SQL Database. Then we’ll cover some of the similarities and differences between on premises SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. Finally we will cover how monitoring and performance tuning Azure SQL Database differs from on premises SQL Server. If you’ve been considering Azure SQL Database for your organization, this session is for you!
Presenter: Tim Radney
About Tim: Tim is a SQL Server MVP. He has presented at PASS, SQLintersection, SQL Saturdays, user groups and numerous webinars. In addition Tim runs the Columbus GA SQL Users Group, is a PASS Regional Mentor and was named a PASS Outstanding Volunteer in 2012. He’s married with three children and has a passion for electronics. He also farms chickens (for eggs), dwarf Nigerian goats, and tilapias in his spare time.

Schedule: Please note, this will be an Afternoon Meeting.
2:30 – 2:40 – Greeting and Housekeeping
2:40 – 2:50 – Sponsor Introduction
2:50 – 4:30 – Presentation
4:30 – 5:00 – Wrap up and Q&A
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
PASS Summit 2018 Discount Code: LSDIS4J7H
KC User Group Slack Channel!
Our user group treasurer Matt Jones has set up a Slack site for our user group! The site address is Since we are using the free version of slack, you must be sent an invitation email in order to join. If you would like to join our slack site, please reply to this email and we will send you an invitation! Please note: Once you receive the invitation please join right away because we can only send out a limited number of invitations at a time. Any unaccepted invitations will block our ability to send out more invitations.

Call for Speakers!
We are looking to fill up the year with speakers for the coming months! If you have any interest at all in speaking at one of the meetings this year, please let me know and I will get you scheduled! If you are more interested in doing a 10-15 minute lightning talk, then we can definitely make that happen as well! Please reply to this email if you have any interest at all.

Call for Sponsors!
We are also looking for sponsors for these future meetings! If your business has any interest in promoting their brand, please let me know by replying to this email!
KC SQL Server User Group web site:

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