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  • First Talk:  Service Oriented Authentication, Jeremy Green
    Jeremy is a full stack web software consultant who has been creating web apps for over 15 years. He’s an organizer of the OkcRuby developer group and an active open source contributor. You might also find him drumming, shooting photos, or brewing.
    The gravitational pull of sign in systems is one of the leading contributors to the formation of monolithic code bases. Transitioning to a SOA environment with an existing an system can seem like a daunting subject, but it doesn’t need to be difficult. This talk will cover everything you need to know to get started building your own SOA systems. We’ll look at the details of building a centralized authentication service (or adapting an existing one) and allowing other apps to delegate their authentication needs to the service.
    Second Talk:  Yours!
    We had a big share-what-you're-doing in our last meeting, but we were also missing quite a few people due to the Royals playoff game.  We're going to reopen this door and ask for short 5-15 minute presentations.  We want to see the cool stuff our members are doing!
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