It was good to see several of you at the PASS Summit this year, hopefully you got your fill of all things SQL at least until our next user group meeting.  
Speaking of which, we will be rescheduling the November meeting to December 18th.
December 18th:
Presenter: Bill Fellows is a Microsoft SQL Server MVP and a Business Intelligence professional in Kansas City, Missouri. He’s been focused on data integration, database design, and development since 1999. He is the organizer of the Kansas City SQL Saturdays and a regular speaker at SQL Server community events.
Topic:Understanding of the R language and how it can be used to perform basic statistical observations with data from SQL Server
Interested in getting started with the popular statistical analysis language R? This is the session for you. Learn what software you need, how to connect to a data base and perform basic analysis on your data.

January 15th - User Group Meeting
Presenter and Sponsor: Scott Shaw from Hortonworks

February 19th - User Group Meeting
Presenter and Sponsor: Glenn Berry from SQL Skills
Dr. DMV's Troubleshooting Toolkit
Dynamic Management Views and functions allow you to easily see exactly what is happening inside your SQL Server instances and databases with a high level of detail. You can discover your top wait types, most CPU intensive stored procedures, find missing indexes, and identify unused indexes, to name just a few examples. This session presents, demonstrates and explains numerous DMV queries that you can quickly and easily use to detect and diagnose configuration and performance issues in your SQL Server instances and databases.

April 16th - User Group Meeting
Presenter and Sponsor: Paul Randal from SQL Skills
Performance Troubleshooting Using Wait Statistics
One of the first things you should check when investigating performance issues are wait statistics - as these can often point you in the direction for further analysis. Unfortunately many people misinterpret what SQL Server is telling them and jump to conclusions about how to solve the problem - what is often called 'knee-jerk performance tuning'. In this session, you will learn what waits are, how to analyze them, and potential solutions to common problem patterns.

KC SQL Server User Group web site:

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