Tuesday, May 13, 2014

7:00 PM

  • Cerner Innovation Campus

    10236 Marion Park Drive, Kansas City, MO (map)
    38.943123 -94.530838

  • Presentations:
    12,000 lines of RubyMotion
    A Dark Room, a minimalist web based game went viral and got front page of Hacker News in June of 2013. Amir contacted Michael Townsend (the creator of the game) and asked if he could port the game to iOS. Bad news, Michael said yes. 5 months and 12,000 lines of RubyMotion later, the game was released to the App Store (as of April 10th, it's the #4 app in the App Store). Amir will talk about the pros and cons of building an app in RubyMotion. He’ll dive into the differences in syntax and semantics between Objective C and Ruby, what the testing story looks like, and how deploying to the App Store works (along with trials and tribulations associated with indie game (software) development).
    Speaker: Amir Rajan
    Amir Rajan is a pretty decent dev and is constantly trying to improve in his craft. He’s a jack of all trades, being comfortable with a number of platforms and languages. He strives to better the community through open source contributions, mentoring, and blogging.
    GitHub: github.com/amirrajan
    Blog: amirrajan.net
    Twitter: @amirrajan

    MySQL, Rails, and UTF8 
    Speaker: James Prior

    Cerner Innovation Campus directions -
    Use the West Entrance of Marion Park Drive. Security at gate will direct you to park in the back parking lot.
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