Hello All !

Our next meeting will be held:

6:30 PM, Wed, September 26, 2012

Centriq Training Center

8700 State Line Rd, Leawood, KS

(West side of State Line Rd, directly across from Ward Parkway Mall)

Sponsor: TBD

Food and door prizes will be provided by : TBD

In order to ensure that we have enough food for you, please let Ray Harris know if you will be attending. Thanks very much !


This month's topic is:


Basic CMS Construction and URL Routing with .Net 4+ (speaker: Chris Byram)

Turn your customers into the content editors and leave the programming to you with a proper CMS construction. Learn a simple way to build inline site editors that allow the owners of the sites that you build to become the admins. They won't even need to know HTML. Additionally, learn how to integrate this with URL Routing to enable you to create site! s with better SEO as well as utilizing 'templates' which allows one .aspx page the ability to generate an unlimited number of pages. Sample site: http://cms.chrisbyram.com

Mini-BIO: Chris Byram has been a programmer since 2000, working on various hobby sites and not for profit organizations. He began working with PHP and has since added C# and .NET to his list of skills. He currently works as the Web Developer for CST Industries.

Our website URL is: http://www.kcwebpros.com

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