You might be asking, what's a code camp? Well, here are some of the basic ideas:

  • Community driven
  • Its for and by developers
  • No cost for attendees
  • Developer relevant content
  • Never during work hours - usually on a Saturday

What a code camp is not:
  • Product placement
  • Corporate marketing

We are looking for developers who want to tell other developers about cool things they are doing. Topics they really care about. If you are working with .Net, Ruby, PHP, Java, Rails, Python, SQL, and you want to tell other people about it, then consider submitting a speaking proposal.
If you have questions about speaking at an event, contact Nick Parker and Jon von Gillern at speakers [at] iowacodecamp d0t com.
If you want to help sponsor, contact Zac Harlan at sponsors [at] iowacodecamp d0t com.
Remember this an event FOR developers BY developers, so we need you to help us make it succeed!

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