Friday, May 18, 2012

4:00 PM

1800 Baltimore Avenue #400, Kansas City, MO (map)
39.091717 -94.585030

Selected By: C.J. Moore

Tech entrepreneurs in and around KC, join us for happy hour!
Venture Fridays is a simple but fun concept: The startup culture of Kansas City and surrounding areas to discuss what we’re all thinking about, working on, needing help with, and might do for each other. Existing or aspiring entrepreneurs of all types and ages are invited. Let’s raise our glasses to building the entrepreneurial culture beyond ourselves.
Who are your hosts? We’re a web marketing metacompany, still whiffing the baby powder of our start in 2009. We work hard, and we play hard. Sometimes Venture Fridays will be co-located with other events, sometimes not. Either way, we’ll be here drinking and thinking. Will you? Drop in.
No soliciting or mooching please (entrepreneurial mojo required; read more in Discussions).
Want to present your idea, get feedback, or find testers? Have an idea for an awesome entrepreneurial jam? We invite startup stimulation. Contact Carrie at Red Nova Labs.

Entrepreneurs are driven by a need to create something new or build something tangible under conditions of extreme uncertainty. They’re spontaneously creative, able and willing to make decisions from the gut, and generally risk-takers. Entrepreneurship is also largely about helping others achieve the goals they care about. Is that you? Are you a driven outsider, possessed of a unique genius, ready to take outrageous risks and work incomprehensible hours to beat the odds? Well then, we like you already. Welcome to the group!

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