HUG - Access Users Group Meeting; May 16, 2012 6:30 p.m.; Regnier 2nd Floor - Room RC238
Please join us for the following Microsoft Access presentations.
Beginner Presentation:
Caren Grandgenett: Forms: Cascading Combo Boxes - Tip #7
Caren is a Database Development and Technical Training Specialist
She develops and maintains databases that allow our clients to track their clients and competitors.
Advanced Presentation: (TBD)
Lisa Friedrichsen: Access 2010 -- What Happened to the Switchboard Manager?, New Navigation Forms, and Customizing the Ribbon
In this presentation we'll look at the new Access 2010 Navigation Forms and compare them to the traditional Switchboard Manager. We'll find and dig out the Switchboard Manager feature in Access 2010 (in case you still need to maintain a traditional switchboard form in an older database). Then, we'll improve your ability to find the features you need by modifying both the Quick Access toolbar as well as the ribbon.
Lisa Friedrichsen is a Professor - Computer Science & Information Technology at Johnson County Community College Overland Park, KS

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