
The KCDC 2022 CFP is Here!

Hello, our dear Developer Community friends!

At some point in the last few years, you submitted abstracts to the Kansas City Developer Conference to deliver your talks or workshops. Maybe it was this very year; perhaps it’s been a few; or maybe you’re a superhero who sends us submissions every year.

Either way, we appreciated you then, and we miss you now!

Perhaps you’ve heard that KCDC returned as an IN-PERSON community conference in September 2021. While we were smaller than in other recent years—welcoming about 1100 people—it was still a huge success. Most importantly, we reconnected with each other while remaining safe. No contact tracing was required and there were ZERO known cases of COVID-19 resulting from the conference. We are both proud of and thankful for this.

The CFP is open on Sessionize now for our next event, coming August 8-10, 2022, and we hope you will check it out and consider once again submitting topics to share your knowledge with a community that is excited to see you and eager to learn.

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