Thursday, November 4, 2021 at 12:00:00 PM Online event

Please register as the link below. (Must be registered to attend):

Climate change is one of the top challenges facing our society, and IoT solutions are quickly becoming one of the ways we can combat it. From improved data collection to analytics at the edge, IoT shows great promise in verticals and use cases. It's enabling positive changes, including the opportunity to enhance energy efficiency, reduce global emissions, and improve the ability to respond to rapidly changing events.

Join Nelson Petracek, Global CTO, TIBCO Software for an update on the work the TIBCO LABS™ group has been doing in IoT and digital twins, and to learn how you can participate in the first ever TIBCO LABS Global Hackathon #OSSDayHack.

Learn more about the TIBCO LABS group. (

TIBCO LABS Project AIR ( enables centralized access and management of IoT devices (including computer vision cameras), efficient processing and storage of IoT derived data, and support for running analytics and machine learning at the edge and in the cloud. These capabilities make the edge a seamless part of your digital transformation and reduce the time needed to automate key decisions, greatly reducing energy use and emissions.

Nelson Petracek, Chief Technology Officer, TIBCO Software Inc

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