Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 3:30:00 PM Online event

We are excited to have the next Virtual Mid-Central Red Hat Users Group event on Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 from 3:30 - 5:30pm CST. We are combining Kansas City, Denver, Omaha, Des Moines, and St. Louis RHUG events for Q3.

We will be delivering an engaging discussion and demonstrations applicable to any IT professional engaged with, or interested in GitOps the next generation of continuous delivery and Ansible Automation Platform virtual environments.

- Chris Bowland, Red Hat Senior Cloud Solution Architect - Will be presenting and a demonstration on using GitOps the next generation of continuous delivery:
GitOps – What is it and why should you care? Leveraging the same basic tooling and practices that application developers have been using for years, I&O teams are now provisioning infrastructure and deploying code through familiar Git pull-request workflows. The pull-request workflow is a familiar practice for applications teams and the basic idea of GitOps is to apply that same workflow to any change that goes into infrastructure too. Changes are proposed via a pull-request to the respective Git repository, and after the appropriate reviews and approvals, it is merged into that repository which is then applied to the target infrastructure. The complete history of the changes, review process and deployment is now visible through the Git history on the repository.

- Shadd Gallegos, Sr. Solution Architect / Ansible Expert - Shadd is going to talk about what Ansible Virtual Environments are?
Virtualenv creates isolated Python environments to avoid problems caused by conflicting dependencies and differing versions. Virtualenv works by simply creating a folder which contains all of the necessary executables and dependencies for a specific version of Python. Ansible Tower creates two virtualenvs during installation–one is used to run Tower, while the other is used to run Ansible. This allows Tower to run in a stable environment, while allowing you to add or update modules to your Ansible Python environment as necessary to run your playbooks. For more information on virtualenv, see the Python Guide to Virtual Environments and the Python virtualenv project itself.

Please register and make plans to join us for a great virtual opportunity to collaborate, network with other IT professionals around the Mid Central US, and hear engaging presentations!

Registration for the RHUG event can be found at:

We look forward to seeing you, at least virtually, soon!

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