Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 9:00:00 AM Online event

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Live Webinar + Q&A
Tue, August 3, 10:00 AM
Eastern Daylight Time

Data ingestion vs data integration - two terms that sound similar but actually have very important differences in the world of data engineering. The better you understand the nuances of these terms, the better equipped you'll be to collaborate with teams across your organization, make improvements in your processes, and deal with vendors effectively.

Join us on this webinar to learn more about:

What is data ingestion and when do we use this term?
What is data integration and how different is it from ingestion?
When is the right time to look for ways to automate "integration" or "ingestion"?
How various tools can help with data ingestion and integration and to what extent (spoiler: there's no silver bullet)

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