Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 11:00:00 AM Online event

Please register at the below link to reserve your spot today (must be registered to attend)

Every quarter, our analytics experts present a 30 minute update to our virtual user community. This quarter we will dive into the use of TIBCO Spotfire® analytics with Python, R, and TIBCO® Data Science software. Join the live discussion with Chief Analytics Officer Michael O'Connell and the TIBCO Data Science team.

- TIBCO Data Science update by Michael O'Connell, chief analytics officer
- Live demo of Spotfire® fully managed Python integration for applications such as customer segmentation, sales forecasts, and sentiment analysis of support calls by Colin Gray and Vaibhav Gedigeri, data scientists
- Discussion and Q&A
- TIBCO Community update by Heleen Snelting, director of data science

Michael O'Connell, Chief Analytics Officer, TIBCO Software
Heleen Snelting, Director, Data Science, TIBCO Software
Colin Gray , Data Scientist, TIBCO Software
Vaibhav Gedigeri, Lead Data Scientist, TIBCO Software (photo attached)

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