Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 5:30:00 PM Online event

Are you missing those creative and unplanned moments of inspiration and creativity -- the things you can't plan for?

Are you longing for the magic of human interaction and collaboration?

Are you fatigued with zoom calls and just can't stand the thought of one more dreaded zoom meeting?

In this day of living on zoom all day long there are some common mistakes made, like:

- Assuming your team members will build trust on their own over time or that remote work cannot be as 'connective' as being in the room together
- Hosting remote team meetings as "walk-ons" with little or no preparation
- Jumping right into the work of a meeting without setting the stage for success first
- Interpreting silence as agreement and agreement as decision-making
- Assuming that because the technology works for you, it's working for everyone else
- You may be making these mistakes without even realizing it.
- Facilitating virtual meetings is more than sharing your screen. It takes real skill and practice.

It is possible to feel connected, collaborative and engaged…and be online!

Join me for an exploration of the key's to facilitating virtually and how to create connection, meaningful collaboration and even – unplanned magic!

We will cover the following ways to lead your remote team more effectively:
- The five cornerstones of the mindset of facilitation
- The two, most important actions, that will change the nature of your online collaboration
- How to build connection and trust virtually

Marsha Acker is an executive leadership and team coach whose passion and expertise is helping leaders and their teams identify and break through stuck patterns that get in the way of high performance. She is the author of the forthcoming book The Art and Science of Facilitation: How to Lead Effective Collaboration with Agile Teams.

Marsha founded TeamCatapult, a coaching and change leadership firm, in 2005. She has over 20 years of experience designing and facilitating
organizational change initiatives. She believes that facilitation and coaching skills are 21st century leadership skills required for leaders as they learn to lead agility across the organization and develop their teams.

Marsha is a track founder for the ICAgile Agile Team Coaching track and Enterprise Coaching track. TeamCatapult has been a leader in growing agile coaches since 2012 and was the first organization to launch the ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation course. They also recently launched their signature Coaching Agility from Within Cohort program for the ICAgile Certified Expert in Agile Coaching.

Marsha is a Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF), Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Professional Certified Coach (ICF-PCC), Organizational and Relationship Systems Coach (Center for Right Relationship), Dialogix - Certified Structural Dynamics Interventionist, ICAgile Certified Expert Agile Team Coaching and ICAgile Expert in Enterprise Coaching. Click here for event

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