Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 6:00:00 PM VeriShip 8880 Ward Pkwy #300, Kansas City, MO

We will have two presentations for you on Wed. 8/28. We are also shooing to live-stream this event (details to be provided later).

For the first presentation, Chris Harvey will give us an overview of Machine Learning.

Talk Abstract: This is the first of what we hope to be a several presentations on Machine Learning and how ML can be leveraged in a big data environment. This first session will be an overview of machine learning and how it can be and is applied in industry at large. The presentation will cover the fundamentals of machine learning, gradient boosted trees, and deep learning. Time permitting, the presentation will also dive into how ML is used today and what aspect of Machine Learning would be most useful for each type of data a company might have.

Bio: Chris is a Data Scientist who loves to create things. Chris is self-taught at everything he does. He learned how to cook, ride a bike, use nunchucks, draw and play piano by himself. If there is something he finds interesting he sets his mind to learn it. The internet changed his life. At the age of 11, he found professors from all around the world uploading their classes. So, he taught himself physics, chemistry and mathematics all while he was still in middle school. He attended an exclusive data science bootcamp in 2018 and has done extensive research into deep and reinforcement learning.

For the second presentation, Travis Rhoades will cover lessons learned from deploying an AI into a human system.

Travis is the Director of Data Science and Analytics at VeriShip. Formerly, Travis led intelligence analysis at the Kansas City Division of the FBI, inspected nuclear power plants for the Nuclear Regulator Commission, and serviced 8 years in the US Navy.

Travis studied statistical physics, mechanical and nuclear engineering. Presentations start at 1830 SHARP!

Event Location: VeriShip is now hosting the KC Learn Big Data meetup group.

They're located at: 8880 Ward Parkway Suite 300 (Second floor), Kansas City, MO 64114. There is a garage just north of the building where you can park. Make sure you turn in on the Ward Pkwy side. If you get lost, DO NOT post on the MeetUp! Instead, text or call 913.269.8402.

There is a parking garage attached to the building. Once parked, enter from the ground floor (which happens to be 2nd floor). There will be someone at the door to let you in. Proceed to the 3rd floor. Click here for event

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