  • Needs a location

  • Potluck: Bring your own Ruby dish!
    We all do neat things in Ruby... so let's share!
    Instead of the usual talks, in our Potluck edition we want *you* (the person reading this, yes, YOU) to show us something you're doing with Ruby.  Are you using Ruby to build awesome CMS websites? Show us one.  Are you using Ruby to build complicated ecommerce systems?  Show us a small peak.  Did you solve a single problem in a really neat way using Ruby?  Show us the code.  Or are you learning Ruby by reading a good book or watching a video?  Share that.
    In this meetup, we're going to flip the target of this meetup.  Instead of devs talking to you, you're going to show the rest of us something neat.
    If you have an idea, please contact Darren and let him know what you're thinking of.  If you don't, Darren's going to be pestering you.  Please please please please don't be shy, let's let each other see the great work that KC Rubyists are doing!
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