<=45min Presentation 1: Being Gangster - cheat on your WifiAdam Tw13zlr
Topics related to Fern Wi-Fi Cracker, WPA cracking, WEP cracking and more. Demo / usage / Wi-Fi monitoring…the full meal deal ticket. Cheating on your Wi-Fi can be fun, but use extreme caution if you don't own it… then it is not yours to touch!! This Computer Security talk is intended for educational purposes only, and to stop the bad guys! NOT responsible in the event any criminal charges are brought against an individual or individuals misusing this information to break the law. (Usage is for educational purposes only!)

<=45min Presentation 2: When the Plan Comes Together: Preparing and Executing Phone Pretexts - Aaron Crawford
Learn how to effectively plan and execute phone pretexts for social engineering. Real world examples are given and a walk-through of one of the most impossible social engineering attacks is demonstrated and explained. Walk away with an effective way to plan your social engineering attacks as well as new software to aid in the attack.(Yes new tools are being released for social engineering at this meeting.) 

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