Here is info about the meeting Location is 11320 W79th St., Lenexa, KS from
07:00 PM - 08:30 PM on Jan 8th.

Bio of Speaker Craig Aulick.

Craig Aulick is currently a SharePoint specialist at SE2 in Topeka, KS. As
a 20 year veteran of IT management / development / training, he has gained a
well-deserved reputation. Craig has an almost-unheard-of ability to make the
most dry or complex material easy to understand. After serving as a
principal at Enhanced Systems and then Internet development manager at
Sosland Publishing, Craig moved to SE2 in Topeka, a third party
administrator in the life insurance arena.
Some of his past clients include Citibank, IBM, State Farm, Proctor &
Gamble, the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, and the White House, so you can be
confident that Craig has created solutions to fit most situations!

Craig will be covering SharePoint lists primarily as used in SharePoint
2010. Some tips and tricks of lists you will learn include . . .

1. Preview lists
2. How to use lists in project planning
3. Using external data in lists
4. Rolling up calendars

By attending this session of the Lenexa SharePoint Users group you will be
entertained and learn how to make MS SharePoint work for you - not against

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