HUG - Access Users Group Meeting; June 20, 2012 6:30 p.m.; Regnier 2nd Floor - Room RC250

 This month we are privileged to have two veterans present applications being used in the field and lessons learned during the development cycle of those applications. Please join us for the following Microsoft Access presentations.

 Presentation 1:

Billie Lenz:   Application Demo 

Billie Lenz will demo an application written in Access 2010 with permission from the client. It’s an electrical repair company in another state which means equipment information, service tasks etc. We’ll be able to nose around about what, why, how we’ve done things to help them manage their business. We’ll look at how we created a report that has info and then a section with lines but no real data for them to write in manually. We’ll talk about the ATTACHMENT new data type and issues there. We’ll talk about filtering with or without the CAPS LOCK key being on. Interesting results. We’ll talk about the fact that Access 2010 doesn’t refresh a 3rd down subform’s data. It’s done it from version 1.0 to 2003.

Presentation 2: 

Janet Gelsinger:   Lessons Learned in Recent Applications.  For example, code that works in one version of Access may need tweaking to work in the next version of Access.

Janet Gelsinger is a Teradata DBA at Hallmark Cards in Kansas City, working with projects on Hallmark's enterprise data warehouse.  Janet builds Access databases for small to medium-sized projects and has been active in the Heartland Access user group for many years.

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