December 15th: HUGKC

On 7:51 PM

There will be only one Heartland Users Group Meeting in December 2010. The Access SIG will host a Christmas Party on December 15th at 6:30 PM at JCCC, Regnier Bldg, 2nd Floor. There will be refreshments, a door prize, and a Q & A session.

There is a new Access SIG plan for 2011. Lisa Friedrichsen has recommended a book "Access Solutions: Tips, Tricks, and Secrets from Microsoft Access MVPs [Paperback] By Arvin Meyer and Douglas J. Steele. Lisa has ordered four copies and these will be available during the December 15th meeting.

She has chosen a list of topics to be presented during the year. Each of us may volunteer to chose two or three from the list and make a presentation to the Access SIG. These techniques are very new, innovative and will add to our skills set using the Access 2010 platform. If we have 12 volunteers, we will have enough scheduled presentations for the entire year of 2011. Billie Lenz used this technique several years ago and it worked well. This will be discussed and decided during this meeting.

Those of us who have not renewed our modest annual dues of $25 may bring a check or cash to fund our activities for 2011. See you there. Earl Long

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